How to store data from the component – Part5

In the previous post, we created a Bottom Sheet to display a Component. In this post, we would store data from the component on Hypi’s low code backend.

Here is the logic to create data.

  1. When the Save button OnPressed event is fired, an upsert mutation takes place.
  2. The Authorization token is needed for the mutation to work. We need to store this token as a device variable.
  3. Upsert mutation saves data in the ToDoItem table that we created in the 1st part of this series.
  4. An Object field ToDOItem is placed inside the mutation block.
  5. Scalar block title is placed inside the ToDoItem object. ‘title’ is extracted from the Title text field using the Get Variable block.
  6. Other fields from the Table would also get placed as scalar items.

Check the video tutorial of this guide here