How to search non-null data in a field using ArcQL

In the previous post, we have seen how to search for a phrase using ArcQL.

Now we will check how to search non-null data in a field using the arcql EXIST query

  • EXIST query returns records that have non-null data in a given field.
  • Frame a query like this.

We will work with the same schema used earlier.

type arcqlObject {
    str: String
    int: Int

Let’s insert the data in the arcqlObject. Notice that the third object has null data in the int field.

mutation {
    values: {
      arcqlObject: [
        { str: "hypi", int: 1 }
        { str: "low code", int: 2 }
        { str: "easy to use backend" }
  ) {
  "data": {
    "upsert": [
        "id": "01FJGS5P4C2V0AZ9BGPV6BXGEG"
        "id": "01FJGS5P4DBC3HVS5EESRD63ZY"
        "id": "01FJGS5P4ECE8BSG10FVJ1865V"

Let’s retrieve records that have non-null data in the int field of the arcqlObject.

  find(type: arcqlObject, arcql: "EXIST int") {
    edges {
      node {
        ... on arcqlObject {
          hypi {
  "data": {
    "find": {
      "edges": [
          "node": {
            "str": "hypi",
            "int": 1,
            "hypi": {
              "id": "01FJGS5P4C2V0AZ9BGPV6BXGEG"
          "cursor": "01FJGS5P4C2V0AZ9BGPV6BXGEG"
          "node": {
            "str": "low code",
            "int": 2,
            "hypi": {
              "id": "01FJGS5P4DBC3HVS5EESRD63ZY"
          "cursor": "01FJGS5P4DBC3HVS5EESRD63ZY"

We got the records with non-null data in the int field. The third record with the null data in the int field was not retrieved.

Check the POSTMAN collection for the exist query in different programming languages! Click </> and choose the programming language of your choice.
Don’t forget to insert your own Authorization key and Hypi Domain under Headers to test the results!

Run in Postman