How to execute serverless function inside `after` function

In the last post, we have seen how to create and use the serverless function.
We have created SMSfunction that sends SMS to a mobile number. We can execute the same function inside an after function of a trigger.

In the trigger related post, we have created addStudentMarks function that updates the marks of the students. Now we will replace the after function of this trigger (formNotification) with another function that calls SMSfunction. It means when the record gets updated, an SMS will be sent to the student’s phone number. We have used gql to call the serverless function.

type Mutation {
#after function
sendMessage(sub1:Float,sub2:Float,sub3:Float, hypiId: ID,message: String,SMSto: String,SMSfrom: String):Json @tan(type:Groovy, inline: """
return gql(\"""
""" )
#serverless function
SMSfunction(to: String,from: String,body:String): Json @tan(type:OpenWhisk, name:"sendSMS")

# Trigger Function     
addStudentMarks(sub1:Float,sub2:Float,sub3:Float, hypiId: ID,message: String,SMSto: String,SMSfrom: String):Json @tan(type:Groovy, 
  inline: """ 
  return gql(\"""
        mutation {
                values: {
                    StudentInformation: [
                            hypi: {id: "$hypiId"},
                            marks: { subject1: $sub1, subject2: $sub2, subject3: $sub3 } 
            ) {
    """) @trigger(config: {
    after: {type: Mutation, field: "sendMessage"}   

Let’s execute the trigger now.

  addStudentMarks(sub1:10.0,sub2:10.0,sub3:10.0,hypiId:"01FSA2NZRQK7M2SABRRNZ7E65X",message:"Record Updated",SMSto:"+61411111111",SMSfrom:"mycompany")

  "data": {
    "addStudentMarks": {
      "data": {
        "upsert": [
            "id": "01FSA2NZRQK7M2SABRRNZ7E65X"

On ClickSend account, we can check if the after function was successfully executed.