How to delete the data from scalar arrays

Hypi treats scalar array differently. The scalar arrays are not stored directly with other scalar fields. Hence, an unlimited number of items can be added to a scalar array.

deleteScalars function is used to delete the data from scalar arrays

Let’s see how to use the deleteScalars function.

  • If you want to delete data permanently you can use the deleteScalars function
    type: HypiMutationType!
    field: String!
    values: [String!]!
    arcql: String!
): Int!
  • Select the object using arcql query statement
  • Insert values to be deleted from a field in the values parameter.

We will use the following schema.

type deleteScalarArray {
    fld1: [Int]

Let’s create a deleteScalarArray object by inserting some values in fld1.

mutation {
  upsert(values: { deleteScalarArray: [{ fld1: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] }] }) {

  "data": {
    "upsert": [
        "id": "01FHWWRSJ192G1A7AXCGM1Q9VK"

Sample Query

Now we will delete values 4 and 3 from the fld1 Integer array using the deleteScalars function.

    arcql:" ='01FHWWRSJ192G1A7AXCGM1Q9VK'"
  "data": {
    "deleteScalars": 2


The function returns the number of values deleted.

Query with Variables

mutation deleteScalarArrays(
  $type: HypiMutationType!
  $field: String!
  $values: [String!]!
  $arcql: String!
) {
  deleteScalars(type: $type, field: $field, values: $values, arcql: $arcql)

#query variables
  "type": "deleteScalarArray",
  "arcql":" ='01FHWWRSJ192G1A7AXCGM1Q9VK'"

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Don’t forget to insert your own Authorization key and Hypi Domain under Headers to test the results!

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